Rent-A-Robot™ Win Team Applause | 添加 拍掌 機器人, 為您的團隊拍掌
1) Callers speak to the IVR system directly in form of a live VoiceBOT for services
2) Equipped with high language proficiency in both English and Cantonese.
3) Useful information is automatically captured for different purposes
4) Assists in selling customized products based on the interaction with callers
5) Works for both audio clips and phone calls
6) Human-like AI Speaker
7) Train service from design to integration of VoiceBot
8) Fully customizable
9) Generate Tailor-made Solutions
10) Provide Expert Consultation
11) Accommodate with various Technology enablers
12) Specialists secondment
13) Integrates with Eshops and E-commerce platforms